Latest @ Loyola oasis
Loyola International School
Events and Activities of Loyola International Schools - Oasis Branch
LIS After School Program (ASP)
As part of the launch of ASPs, Loyola International School has signed a new partnership with Doha-based Absolute Sports LLC to provide our students a unique opportunity to enroll in the following sports academies:
- LIS Football Academy
- LIS Badminton Gurukul Academy
- LIS Cricket Academy

LIS After School Program (ASP)
As part of the launch of ASPs, Loyola International School has signed a new partnership with Doha-based Absolute Sports LLC to provide our students a unique opportunity to enroll in the following sports academies:
LIS Football Academy
LIS Badminton Gurukul Academy
LIS Cricket Academy
Annual Art and Science Exhibition 23-24 @ Loyola International Schools – Oasis
Invitation from Loyola International School!
We are delighted to invite you to “REFLECTIONS – 2023”, our highly anticipated annual Art & Science Exhibition, which will be conducted in the School Campus on 26th May 2023 (Friday), from 04:30 pm to 08:00 pm.
Please mark your calendars for this special occasion, and feel free to bring along friends and family who may be interested in experiencing the talent and ingenuity of our students.
Carroms Championship CBSE Schools 23-24 @ Loyola International Schools – Oasis
Investiture Ceremony 23-24 @ Loyola International Schools – Oasis
Mother’s Day Celebrations @ Loyola International Schools – Oasis
Chess Competition @ Loyola International Schools – Oasis

Labour’s Day
Loyola International School Celebrates the Spirit of Unity at its Annual Day 22-23
The Al Arabi Sports Center was the stage for the much-anticipated Annual Day celebration of Loyola International School, with the theme ‘AIKYAM’. The two-day event was filled with a myriad of captivating performances that left the audience cheering and applauding, some even receiving standing ovation.
The first session was honored by the presence of H. E. Dr. Deepak Mittal, the Ambassador of India to the State of Qatar, as the Chief Guest and Sheikh Ahmed Hamad A A Al Thani, the Chief Patron of Loyola International School. The second session (KG – Grade 2) saw H. E. Dr Naresh Bikram Dhakal, the Ambassador of Nepal to the State of Qatar, as the Chief Guest and Mr P N Babu Rajan, the President of the Indian Cultural Center, as the Guest of Honor.
The students brought the celebration to a close with a powerful rendition of Michael Jackson’s “Heal the World,” reminding us all of the importance of coming together to create a better future for ourselves and the generations to come. The Annual Day celebration was a resounding success, showcasing the students’ talents and the school’s commitment to excellence.
FIFA being just around the corner with only 100 days to go! The conviviality in Qatar is viral, and Loyola International School yet again joined the beat, welcoming and exalting the sensation. LIS celebrated “100 Days to Go” with a video of 100 students dancing in the school premises on the official song of FIFA – “Hayya Hayya”. Choreographed by the dance teacher of LIS, Ms. Shirin Chandrashekar Dhage, the video received love and appreciation from everyone.
Changing Course; Transforming Education!
Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, a great freedom fighter, an eminent educationist and the first Union Minister of Education of Independent India, immensely contributed to the cause of education in India. In recognition of his great service, 11th November, his birth anniversary is observed as the ‘National Education Day’.
To commemorate the day, students of Grades 1 and 2 watched educational videos while students of Grades 5 and 6 had News Reading Competition. Students of Grades 3 and 4 spoke on various topics pertaining to Education and students of grades 7 and 8 had a special assembly where speeches and skits emphasized the importance of education. May the light of education guide us all.
Ending the term with a BANG!
Colourful was LIS on the Jersey Day. Lit with smiles and fuelled with energy, the campus was in all cheers on the last working day of the term. Packed with activities and class parties, games and dances, students bonded and made memories!
As the world geared up for the FIFA tournament, students at LIS also showed their support by wishing the teams the best of luck and welcomed the world to the event. In addition to their excitement for the tournament, students also performed dances on the day, bringing the campus to life with their energy and enthusiasm.
The day was a true celebration of the end of term, with everyone participating in the fun and leaving the campus on a high note.
`29 Oct 2022
History has shown us that competitions are one of the major driving factors for self improvement. LIS believes that small healthy competitions at tender ages instils in students, a fighting spirit, drive to succeed, and sportsmanship.
‘Busy Bees 2022-23’, an Inter-School Competition conducted by LIS on 29 Oct 2022 for kindergarteners had 13 Indian Schools participating. The fearless champs took part in the categories: Math Bee (KG1) & Spelling Bee (KG2). The young representatives of the schools gave their best shot and received much appreciation from all.
REFLECTIONS 2022 – Loyola International School’s Annual Arts & Science Exhibition: Attaining Synergy between Quality Education and Stimulating Innovation!
The Exhibition held in the school premises provided a platform where students displayed hands-on experience of the concepts that they otherwise study only theoretically. The school saw innumerable projects that displayed the amalgamation of critical thinking and creative skills of the students and the teachers.
The Honorable Chief Guest, Sheikh Ahmed Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Chief Patron of Loyola International School, graced the occasion and was received by Mr Anup Chakravarthy (Managing Director), Mr Sarat Koduru (Director-Operations) and Mr Pramod Kumar Ranwaka (Principal). He was welcomed by the School Band. The Cultural programs added vibrancy to the entire event!
Sheikh Ahmed Bin Hamad Al Thani expressed his joy and happiness and emphasized on the importance of education in today’s globalized world, and the presence of diverse curricula from different countries, adding to the diversity of Qatar in the field of education. Sheikh visited the exhibition in various classrooms and was amazed to see the hard work and efforts put in by the students and teachers.
Every department uniquely brought out the essence of their subjects by displaying highly creative and sophisticated projects, and along with it,creating an ambiance that was truly mesmerizing. Each department also put out performances of students. The onlookers witnessed a puppet show of the Russian Revolution, a Mime show about Anti Bullying, a stage show on Shakespeare’s famous quotes, a Jingle by students on washing hands, acts on conflict management, a personality show, dancing, singing, and many more. Students showed their mastery as they explained their projects with immense enthusiasm. The art gallery displayed the talents of both the students and teachers.The Exhibition received innumerable compliments as the magnitude of the event was unfathomable with every corner of the school decked up and in its fullest glory.
Loyola International School is proud and delighted as two of its teams made to the final round of evaluation of QCSC (Qatar Children Science Congress). QCSC programme organised by SIF (Science India Forum) under the aegis of Indian Embassy encourages application-based learning and uniquely combines the development of a scientific temper in children while at the same time, makes them socially aware. Out of 164 participating teams, only 49 teams made it to the finals. Two out of those were that of LIS! The projects were based on the theme ‘Understanding Ecosystem for Health and Well-being’ and were evaluated by a team of scientists, professionals and technocrats.
Words can hardly express the seriousness of the grave issue of hunger and malnutrition. It is unfathomable to know that one person dies every 4 seconds due to hunger. This calls for immediate attention and is a desperate call to everyone to do every little thing we can to eradicate hunger deaths and help achieve Zero Hunger (Sustainable Development Goals given by UN) by 2030.
The Student Council Members of LIS demonstrated their leadership skills by taking initiative and raising awareness about a social issue within the school. They visited classes and shared information on ways to address the problem, which is a positive sign of their maturity and social consciousness. It is encouraging to see the next generation actively engaging and addressing important issues, giving hope for a better future.
The kindergarten teachers creatively utilized a puppet show to tell the story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, capturing the attention of their young students and allowing them to learn about healthy and unhealthy food choices without even realizing it. Well done to the teachers for their imaginative teaching methods.
Debate Competition @ LIS..!!
153rd Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi – Father of the Nation (India) saw students of Loyola International School debating about the relevance of his principles in today’s world. The Debate Competition that was held as a part of CCA got students expressing their thoughts and articulating their opinions while improving their public speaking skills! It was a fitting tribute to the man who continues to inspire generations.
Mahatma Gandhi’s belief in mutual-dependence of men, and unity of life being an indivisible whole, had him seeing the world from a different perspective. A new Era of different thinking, era of Non-Violence was born! Paying respect to such greatness, LIS celebrated 153rd birth anniversary of MK Gandhi.
Special assemblies are conducted for students to be aware of various important events, days and their significance. Participating in one such assembly honouring M K Gandhi and his ideals, students of LIS presented snippet of his life story in the form of a skit. Assemblies such as this aids understanding that his ideals are relevant, and guide people to this date. It also enables students to relate, learn and imbibe his ideologies in themselves.
Loyola International School (LIS) celebrated a memorable Character Day for its kindergarten students, where each child had the opportunity to dress up as their favorite fictional character or real-life personality. The school was filled with an array of creative and imaginative costumes, as the young students brought their favorite characters to life.
The event was a huge success, with the children thoroughly enjoying the chance to role-play and imitate their heroes. It was a joy to see the enthusiasm and excitement on their faces as they transformed into their chosen characters.
FIFA being just around the corner with only 100 days to go! The conviviality in Qatar is viral, and Loyola International School yet again joined the beat, welcoming and exalting the sensation. LIS celebrated “100 Days to Go” with a video of 100 students dancing in the school premises on the official song of FIFA – “Hayya Hayya”. Choreographed by the dance teacher of LIS, Ms. Shirin Chandrashekar Dhage, the video received love and appreciation from everyone.
Celebrating 8th Anniversary of LIS, Qatar and Teachers’ Day!
Loyola International School stands tall and proud as it celebrates its completion of 8 blessed years of successful journey in Qatar. Loyola opened its gates for students on 7th of September, 2014, at Al Nasr campus. The school started with humble beginning of ___ students and __ classes. And over the years, it has grown and flourished to have 2 campuses with ___ students.
Hindi Department of LIS organized an event to celebrate Hindi Diwas. A day filled with slogans, poetry , songs and dances by students; all appreciating the beauty of the language.
Hindi being the third most spoken language in the world after English and Mandarin, secured a special place and is celebrated every year on September 14 as Hindi Day. It marks the day when the Union Government of India adopted Hindi as an official language of India in 1949. Every year, this day is celebrated all over the country and in all the schools. Hindi Department of Loyola International School celebrated this day with a fully laid out programme. Dr Meenu Parashar, a renowned writer, poet, toastmaster and an ex-Hindi teacher graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. The celebrations had an auspicious beginning with prayers and lighting of the lamp. Students presented beautifully; meaningful poems by renowned poets, thoughtful slogans, skit about languages of India, impactful speeches, melodious songs and vibrant dances; all highlighting the significance of Hindi.
The Hindi department of LIS released its “Hindi Patrika”(Hindi newsletter), “Madhur Vaani” (sweet voice) to symbolize the day. Principal of the school, Mr Pramod Kumar Ranwaka, emphasized about the special features of the language while Ms Meenu Parashar spoke about how Hindi language provides connectivity with our motherland and feels at home. She presented a self-written poem about the beauty of the language. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms Sailaja Mantha – HoD of Hindi Dept, Loyola International School, and an anthem that brought all the voices together to make it one. The programme was very well coordinated by Ms Muskan Mittu and Ms Priyanka Choudhary.
Onam – a harvest festival of Kerala, also harvested cheer and joy in the campus. Malayalam department of LIS brought in the festivity in the school with all teachers dressed in the traditional attire and series of cultural programs. This celebration concluded with a sumptous Onam Sadhya that left everyone’s tummys and hearts full !
This year, Loyola International School celebrated Onam, with all its grandeur. Onam celebrations took place on the school premises amidst all students, staff and management of the school. The auditorium was richly decorated and the entire campus was bubbling with energy. The celebrations started with the traditional way of setting up of an attractive flower carpet [Athapookkalam] in the reception area, by the senior students of the school.
All the students and staff arrived in Kerala ethnic wear irrespective of regional differences. The main attractions of the day were Solo songs , Group songs , Bharatanatyam , Group dances by the students. The highlight of the programme was the Thiruvathira kali by the teachers. The festivities concluded with a sumptuous Onam lunch. The Director, Mr. SharatKoduru conveyed his happiness for celebrating Onam with all its secularism and cultural oneness in the school. The Principal, Mr. Pramod Kumar Ranwaka, in his speech highlighted the Onam message of brotherhood and harmony in the society . Both the management and Principal lauded the commendable performances of the students and teachers. The programme was organized and coordinated by Ms. Geetha Suryan , HOD, Department of Malayalam.
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
– Henry B Adams
Paying Respect and showing gratitude to these magicians without wands, students of Loyola organised an event that touched hearts!
5th of September: A day that we celebrate teachers and express our sincere gratitude for their priceless contribution to the society and its enlightenment. As Nelson Mandela rightly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world!” It gives people wings that could bring dreams to life and create a world of their imagination. Paying ode to such mentors, guides and gurus, students of LIS took charge of organising a whole event that showered love and respect on their teachers. Students took care of every detail; starting from compering to performances; handmade cards and handmade flowers for every teacher, games, awards and fun! Students of higher grades also guised as teachers and dawned their roles for a day! Students put on a show that will be in the memories of teachers for a long time!
Inter-Campus Competitions
It was an electric atmosphere at Loyola International School as the final of the interhouse football competitions took place on Children’s Day. The energy was palpable as the students competed to come out on top. It was a fitting way to celebrate childhood and all the joy and excitement that comes with it. Congratulations to all the participants and the winning team!